What is the best way to do programming in ASP.NET?

Microsoft ASP.NET is a web development framework it allows for creating dynamic web pages, interactive web services and reliable web applications. ASP.NET stands for Active Server Pages Network Enabled Technologies. The first version of .NET framework was published by Microsoft in 2002. It works for a variety of programming languages, including C#, F# and VB.NET. It supports a variety of programming models including web forms, MVC, Web API.
Advantages of ASP.NET framework are:
- Minimized length of the code
- Language independent
- Delivers a high quality of production
- It’s a popular option for enterprise-level web application
ASP programming language is used to code dynamic web pages, web services and applications. ASP coding language is a Microsoft product and it requires a Windows IIS web server to run and interpret the code. It supports both console and web applications.

The .NET core is the next generation of ASP.NET MVC framework. It’s a complete re-write of this framework but in a modular, cloud-optimized and cross-platform manner.
ASP.NET supports three different programming models:
- Web Pages
- Web forms
Web Pages
Web page is the simplest programming model for creating.NET web pages. It provides an easy way to combine HTML, CSS, JavaScript and server code:
- Easy to learn, understand and use
- Built around single web pages
- Server scripting with VB or C#
- Full HTML, CSS and JavaScript control
MVC stands for Model, View and Controller . MVC is a free and open source software.
Model: It represents the shape of the data. A class is used to describe a model. Data obtained from the database is stored in model objects.
View: View is a user interface in MVC. View is responsible to displaying data and transforming model. It is HTML, CSS and some special syntax that makes it easy to communicate with the model.
Controller: The Controller as the name tells it controls the application logic and interacts between model and view. It takes inputs from view and work with model and returns view.
Web forms
It is used to make ASP.NET websites and web applications. Web forms are compiled and executed on the server, which generates the HTML that displays the web pages. It includes hundreds of different web controls and web components to build user-driven websites with data access.
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