Digital Marketing

Audit your PPC Traffic using Google Analytics

Audit your PPC Traffic using Google Analytics

There’s no doubt that pay-per-click (PPC) advertising can be a very effective way to drive traffic to your website. PPC traffic may give eCommerce businesses a significant advantage in terms of revenue. Setting up advertising in Google Ads to assist boost PPC traffic is a time-consuming procedure that becomes even more so when Google analytics is used. Using analytics to audit your PPC traffic, on the other hand, can help your company gain greater value from its PPC ad spend.

You can utilize your Google Analytics account to evaluate whether your PPC campaign is correctly tuned. Data can also aid in determining whether or not adjustments to your plan are required. Changes that are effective help to increase PPC traffic. If you’re not sure how to set up a PPC campaign, you can learn How to Successfully Launch a PPC Campaign for the First Time by taking the best internet marketing training in Kochi.

PPC Traffic Auditing for Best Results

Business owners and busy staff frequently develop their PPC campaigns. They put up their PPC marketing campaigns after that, but get caught up in the frenzy of other chores. We have firsthand experience with how demanding businesses can be.

STEPS Kochi is here to guide you with the PPC training in Kochi through auditing your PPC traffic for best results. You’ll be able to improve the practice and get back to your hectic schedule.

Assure that Google Analytics is correctly linked

Determine sure your Google Analytics account is properly linked to the relevant Google Ads account as the first item on your audit checklist. You’ll want to double-check that your advertisements account is linked to your property. Go to Google Analytics to do so. Select Acquisition > Google Ads > Campaign from the drop-down menu. You’ll get an overview of each of your current campaigns here, along with KPIs, cost, CPC, and clicks, among other things.

Go to Google Analytics to do so. Select Acquisition > Google Ads > Campaign from the drop-down menu. You’ll get an overview of each of your current campaigns here, along with KPIs, cost, CPC, and clicks, among other things.

This information should be identical to what you see in your Google Ad if your accounts are correctly linked. If a significant portion of your traffic is showing up as ‘not set,’ you’ll need to connect your accounts. This indicates that your analytics account is gathering data from a Google Ads account that isn’t properly linked.

Can use Negative Keyword Tool

One of the most typical problems discovered during PPC audits is that the budget is squandered on unqualified traffic. This difficulty can be solved by using the negative keywords tool to deploy a variety of negative keywords and phrases. This can help you save money on advertising by ensuring that your ads reach the right people.

In the search terms report, you’ll find the negative keywords tool. Examine the search terms report for any keywords or keyword phrases that you don’t want to pay for. These are typically keywords that aren’t supporting your intended purposes, which you are the best person to identify. When these search phrases are removed, your audience becomes more targeted. It allows you to concentrate more on the task at hand. Broad match keywords are good for reaching a wider audience, but they can also bring in a lot of low-quality traffic that is difficult to convert. This is why keyword and keyword phrase analysis is so necessary.

Check to see if you’re tracking conversions properly

To ensure that your efforts are worthwhile, you must know that the right data is being collected. When phenomena like equal conversions and click-count rates, extremely low conversion rates, and high conversion rates with few sales are noted, conversion tracking is not being done.

It’s possible that there’s a discrepancy in your conversion monitoring. You may believe your company is overachieving or underachieving its objectives, making accurate tracking essential. Once you’ve got this all synced up, you’ll be able to see what changes or adjustments need to be made.

Analyze Ads for a Specific Audience

You could be wasting money if you are not developing high-quality adverts that are relevant to the type of PPC traffic you want to acquire. So, how can you figure out what’s most important to your target audience?

Examine your ad groups to see if they’re each limited to about 20 keywords. Keywords can have a direct impact on your ad copy, which in turn has an impact on the campaign’s performance. Too many keywords can result in generic ad material that isn’t particularly enticing to your target market. It may also result in you receiving PPC traffic that you don’t want.

Google assigns a quality score to each ad, which you can see in the keywords tab. You may examine anticipated click-through rates, ad relevance, and landing page experience for each of your keywords’ quality ratings. Make sure to use a specific list of keywords to populate your various ad groups. This will enable your ads to better target the objectives of your target audience, resulting in an increase in ad clicks.

STEPS Kochi is here to help you with pay-per-click advertising and auditing your PPC traffic. Join us today to get started.

Author: STEPS

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