C# -Features and Versions

C# is a simple and powerful object-oriented programming language, developed by Microsoft. It is used to create various types of applications, such as web, windows, console applications using Visual studio. C# is one of the languages designed for the (CLI) Common Language Infrastructure. The First version of C# is 1.0 with .NET framework 1.0 and Visual Studio is 2002. Anders Hejlsberg is known as the founder of C# language. The most recent version is 8.0, which was released in 2019 alongside the Visual Studio 2019 version 16.3 .
Features of C#
- C# is easy to learn.
- It is easy integrating programming language.
- It is a general purpose, highly structured programming language.
- OOPS concepts can be implemented efficiently using this language.
- It is platform independent, ie,the programs written in C# can be executed in a variety of computing environments.
- Efficient programming can be done using C#.
- C# is a high-level programming language.
- GUI applications can be developed very easily using C#.
Programming Features of C#
Other reasons why programming in C# language is so strong and popular are given below:
- It deals with automatic garbage collections.
- It has a lot of standard libraries.
- Some properties and events make programming smarter.
- Delegates and concepts of event management can also help in making C# language strong.
- Supports Multi-threading.
- It includes the concepts of Indexers.
- Generic concepts are easy to use in C#.
- This language provides LINQ and Lambda expressions.
C# Version History
Version | .NET Framework | Visual Studio | Important Features |
C# 1.0 | .NET Framework 1.0/1.1 | Visual Studio .NET 2002 | First release of C# |
C# 2.0 | .NET Framework 2.0 | Visual Studio 2005 | Generics Partial types Anonymous methods Nullable types Iterators Covariance and contravariance |
C# 3.0 | .NET Framework 3.0\3.5 | Visual Studio 2008 | Auto-implemented properties Anonymous types Query expressions Lambda expression Expression trees Extension methods |
C# 4.0 | .NET Framework 4.0 | Visual Studio 2010 | Dynamic binding Named/optional arguments Generic covariant and contravariant Embedded interop types |
C# 5.0 | .NET Framework 4.5 | Visual Studio 2012/2013 | Asynchronous members Caller info attributes |
C# 6.0 | .NET Framework 4.6 | Visual Studio 2013/2015 | Static imports Exception filters Property initializers Expression bodied members Null propagator String interpolation Name of operator Dictionary initializer |
C# 7.0 | .NET Core | Visual Studio 2017 | Improved performance and productivity Azure Support AI Support Game development Cross platform Mobile App Development Window App Development |
C# 8.0 | NET Core 3x | Visual Studio 2019 | Nullable reference types Default Interface method Asynchronous streams Advanced pattern matching |