Controlling Services
Linux’s launch procedure, including service startup and service administration in general, is managed by the systemd daemon.
At boot time and while the system is already functioning, the systemd daemon activates system resources, server daemons, and other tasks.
Processes called daemons execute various tasks while they wait or run in the background.
Daemons typically launch automatically at boot time and run until shutdown or unless you actively terminate them.
The demon names are customarily concluded with the letter D.
One or more daemons are frequently referred to as services in the systemd context.
Instead of quitting a running daemon process after changing the system’s state repeatedly, however, launching or stopping a service might instead do it (called oneshot).
Regarding Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the first process that starts (PID 1) is the systemd daemon, which provides these features:
• The ability to launch many services concurrently using parallelization, which speeds up system boot.
• On-demand starting of daemons without requiring a separate service.
• Automatic service dependency management can reduce timeouts that last too long.
For instance, a network-dependent service waits till the network is operational before attempting to start..
• a technique for leveraging Linux control groups to monitor linked processes collectively.
Units are used by the systemd daemon to manage various object kinds.:
Service units have the extension .service and represent system services. Service units can be used to host frequently accessed daemons such as: B. A web server to start.
• Socket units have the extension .socket and represent interprocess communication (IPC) sockets that systemd should listen to. When a client connects to a socket, the systemd manager starts a daemon and forwards the connection to it. Socket units can be used to delay the start of services at boot time, allowing infrequently used services to be started on demand.
• Path units have a .path extension and delay service activation until certain file system changes occur. Services that use spool directories can use path units. B. Printing system. Use the systemctl command to manage devices. For example, use the systemctl -t help command to see available unit types. The systemctl command can accept abbreviated unit names, process tree entries, and unit descriptions
You can manually start, stop, or reload services to update the service, update the configuration file, uninstall the service, or manually manage an infrequently used service
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