Digital Marketing

Create a perfect landing page for your Brand

Create a perfect landing page for your Brand

Are you ready to turn clicks into customers? A landing page is a very important part when it comes to affiliate marketing as well as Google ads. Landing pages are so crucial in conversion because it facilitates a specific action from the visitor to your particular page which can be installations of applications to filling an online form.

Anybody can learn how to create a landing page by getting the best digital marketing training in Kerala. Are you looking for top digital marketing courses in Kochi? To help you find the best-suited course for you, STEPS Kochi is the top institute for IT training.

A perfect landing page is attractive and has the power for conversion of your business objective. To attain these, we have to keep in mind to not forget the below elements of a landing page.

  1. Value of proposition
  2. Call to action
  3. Visual
  4. Social proof

Structure of a perfect landing page

Even though it’s just a single page, it must have the potential to convert the customers. According to the analytic, the click-through rate is much higher when you market your product with a landing page.

A landing page experience is made possible with the help of a good design. Planing your landing page is also an important task when it comes to designing it. It must have the below elements added up

  1. A headline
  2. A brief description to match with the headline
  3. Add an image appropriate to the headline
  4. A Call to Action Button

A headline must be kept simple and catchy so that the reader can understand the overall content on the landing page A succinct messaging through the headline and the description would make it easier and also increase the user experience through such practices. Making it easier to understand with plain language to elaborate your business concept or service benefits would also be an added benefit to consider.

Call to Action

The most important action on a landing page is always a call to action button.

So consider giving the call to action button on the top of the page and this will ensure the navigation on the landing page is appropriate. Keeping it in a place where more attention is going would be a great activity to consider.


Using the visual aspects for the landing page leaves a great impression during the marketing of your products and services. In General, your visitors always remember the images on the landing page incorporated with your service.

So in short – Compliment your landing page with a header image especially a banner or an eye-catchy image that will grab attention to the landing page. Another strategy to consider is adding some visual elements in the form of a video. Video is a great mode of demonstrating your services. It can make your audience interact more with your website.

Social Proof

Social proof is also considered as the main aspect of a perfect landing page. People always want to know the credibility of your service to analyses. We have to keep 3-5 real testimonials inside your landing page.

Author: STEPS

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