How can you rank higher on Google?
Digital Marketing

How can you rank higher on Google?

The competitive world, keeps on demanding us to conquer different paths for success. Each generation brings up with different challenges. Changing, coping up and implementing it is the very essence of business. Today, screens of different shapes and sizes seized minds of the entire globe. Hence, the witty approach to reach your customers-Go Digital.

One such method is to focus on ranking higher in Google. In a gist, ranking higher on Google search is a time-consuming and changing process. But marketing with search engines is quick, and resourceful. Different methods can be experimented to find out which brings the best outcome.

And Yes! Nothing can replace real-time experience and knowledge. The simple way to get on track is to step right into SEM Training in Kochi with complete assistance. It is for sure that great efforts bring in mesmerizing outcomes.

What does ranking higher mean?

The idea of ranking higher is to bring products or services in the first page of search. Most users will only look into maximum of 2 search results. Hence, it is important to make sure your products are vividly visible to users searching for it. To achieve this, you’ll need to understand and learn what Google prescribes.

How to rank higher?

Discover the kinds of topics your customers are interested. Understand the latest trends of today. Create engagements if possible. Choose topics that make your customers stay, share, and dive for more. There are many tools like Google trends, answer the public, Also Asked, Google Search and more.

Record your observation and move on to keyword finding. The entire search result depends upon “What your user types in the search bar”. So, sorting them out is a necessity. The simplest method is to ask the audience. Google keyword planner, wordstream, ubbersuggest are some tools.

Another way is to observe the SERP. After searching for a particular product, Google will display ‘People also search for’ either at the end or top. This is also a great way to understand your search.

2. Increase loading speed:

Every user searches to get information as fast as possible. If a page takes more time to load, the user will just close it and move on. So, it is important to make loading time for phone and desktop less. This will help you more to get traffic and reduce bounce rate.

3. Content creation and optimization:

Content creation knits up together all your findings. Remember, content creation must be optimized for search. It must meet all the requirements to rank better. So, let’s look into the steps for content optimization:

  • Include your keywords in headings and title.
  • There are 6 types of header tags. The most significant header tag is H1, so use them more.
  • Use keywords in Meta description
  • Use synonyms of your keywords
  • Create unique and eye-catching content.
  • Remember to use keywords in the content.
  • Do not stuff keywords.
  • Use different text styles-Bold, Italic or Quote
  • Optimize URL
  • Add ALT tags for images with keywords if possible.
  • Make introductions and conclusions compelling.

All the above steps come under the term-SEO On-page optimization.

Backlinks are highly valuable in SEO. It stands as a confidence for your content and website. The points to look into are:

  • Search for sites with DA above 50 and then submit your links.
  • Provide your site title, content with the website URL.
  • Add relevant keywords.
  • Check, using any backlink checking tool, to understand your work status.

This comes under OFF-Page optimization.

Around the globe, different digital marketers are trying out many strategies to resolve and rank better. Consistency and dedication are the keys to outrun Google algorithms. Every individual is on the track of learning. As, more refined updates step in, learning continues. Become a part of this digital scope to explore endless limit of SEO. Go into the excellence with SEO Training in Kochi as it will for sure be a turning point in career.

Author: STEPS

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