How important is Power BI for Data Visualization?
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How important is Power BI for Data Visualization?

Power BI is a powerful tool for data visualization. You can make your visualizations or you can use the ones that are already available to you. You can also export your charts as PNG images, which is a handy option when you need to embed them in other applications such as PowerPoint or Keynote. Power BI does have its limitations, though, and it’s not always the best tool for every data visualization task. But as with any software program, if you understand its capabilities and how they’re suited to different tasks, then it becomes much easier to decide whether it’s right for your particular needs.

Let’s look at various things that can be done using Power BI as a part of Data Visualization.

Dashboard Charts – If a dashboard is simply a way to show the status of various key systems during regular business hours, then this is the easiest and simplest type of graphic you can create. If your goal is to illustrate something unique, such as an on-going problem that needs immediate attention, then consider using a chart or graph instead. But if it’s relatively straightforward and requires no further effort to make it more satisfying or meaningful, this may be the best option.

Basic Visualizations – These are just basic pie, bar, line and scatter charts. You can also make a custom set of bars to represent the key data points in a performance chart or to illustrate a measurement for some time. However, if you’re focused on information that you need to understand more deeply and should be able to take action upon, creating a basic graph is not going to help you much further.

Gauges – These charts give you an indication of three dimensions: trends over time, movement up or down against a target value (measurement), and the range of possible values (not just integers). The value the gauge indicates is either a single value such as a numerical rating, or a set of values that are related to each other, such as percentage changes.

Flow Charts – These charts show data moving through some pipeline in sequential order from one step (or stage) to the next. Once again, if it’s straightforward and obvious what you want to see, then you can use a chart instead. But if it requires further work with layers or is too complicated for a simple chart to grasp, then you should consider using Power BI’s built-in tools instead.

Many of the charts that we see in business applications are just graphs with annotations added on top of them. PowerBI tools help in Data Visualization without different layers, thus making clean presentations. Best AI Training in Kochi can help by guiding you through learning Data visualization using various tools. Learn AI in Kochi for starting the journey towards your dream job.

Author: STEPS