Digital Marketing


In Simple, Bing Webmaster Tool is defined as the Microsoft Service that is free which allows webmasters to add their sites to the bing crawler so that it showed up in the Search Engine. It also helps in monitoring and maintaining the presence of a site. Bing Webmaster tools are to Bing is same as Google Search Console is to Google. Any person running a website gets benefits if they are using bing webmaster whether you are the site admin, marketer, or website developer.

The Bing Webmaster Tool helps and allows you in analyzing the overall position and health of your website. It also helps you in understanding how the customers are finding your website in the search engine. The major advantages in using the Bing Webmaster Tool are listed below;

  • Monitors and analyzes the overall website’s performance as well as see what your keywords rank for.
  • Sees how bing crawls and indexes your site.
  • Removes any content that you don’t want to get indexed.
  • Checks and Resolves Spam issues.

All of the above-mentioned helps us in understanding how bing views your website including content So that it helps you in understanding the faults and flaws of your website. You can make the necessary adjustments to the site to improve your rankings and hence drive traffic to your website. Setting up the Bing Webmaster tools account is quite a simple process that can be detailed in 4 steps;

  • Create a free bing webmaster tools account by just going to the bing webmaster sign-up or sign-in page.
  • Add and verify your Website.
  • Create and Upload your sitemaps.
  • Create a Search Engine Optimization plan.

This is how a Bing Webmaster tools account is created. The Bing Webmaster API that is the Application Programming Interface provides the chance for the webmasters to programmatically access information about their website on bing search and index. Some of the disadvantages of Bing Webmaster tools compared to the Google search console are;

  • The interface is a bit old-fashioned.
  • Search Keyword Report data is not so robust.
  • Too much information in a single dashboard.

In this modern era of Digital Marketing where everything turning digital and updated, the Bing webmaster tool has a lot to do with Digital Marketing especially in Search Engine Optimization(SEO). When it comes to Efficient SEO activities, everyone goes after Google, and Bing is always a secondary option. But some factors show doing SEO in bing is good;

  • Lower competition compared to Google.
  • Lower bounce rate.
  • Lower percent of desktop searchers compared to Google.
  • More open about its ranking factors.

Since SEO is an important part of Digital Marketing and getting it done most efficiently and effectively is always important. You can understand how important is SEO for digital marketing when you learn deeply about it. There are several institutions providing the best digital marketing training in Kerala where you can get to know and learn a lot. In Kerala, Digital marketing training in Kochi will be the best and better for you in building a promising career in this field.

Author: STEPS

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