Learn persist data with SQFLite in Flutter
One of the most important factors in determining if an app is efficient is how it retrieves and keeps data locally. Since the early days of mobile app development, persistent data in local storage has persisted. You can learn about Flutter SQLite with sqflite plugin from the best Flutter app development training in Kochi.
The SQLite database that we’ll be using in this Flutter article is a persistent data store that keeps data even when the application is closed. That means that everything we save in the database will remain even if the user restarts the application or the device itself. In this guide, we’ll explain to you how to create a small Flutter app that receives a few user details via a form and keeps them in a database. So, open your preferred text editor and let’s get started!
Start a new Flutter project.
To begin, launch your terminal and start a new Flutter project:
flutter create sqlite_demo_project
cd sqlite_demo_project
Then, add the necessary dependencies. You’ll need the sqflite package to use the SQLite database in this lecture.
sdk: flutter
sqflite: any
Start the app with the following command: Open a simulator device or connect a real device to your system.
flutter run
For this project, you’ll need a stateful widget to manage the form’s state locally.
Create DatabaseHelper Class
Create a singleton DatabaseHelper class to access and interact with the database.
A singleton class ensures that we only have one instance of the database connection and that we have global access to the database from anywhere in the project.
Create Model Class
Create a model class to represent a user’s data in the database.
A basic data model class will offer the necessary methods for working with SQLite-friendly formats by transforming them into Dart objects that can be utilized later in the application.
CRUD Operations
Return to the DatabaseHelper class and write the DB methods to perform the CRUD tasks. In the initDB() function, an instance of the database class is allocated to the DatabaseHelper class’s db property. For performing CRUD activities on the database, the database instance has access to methods such as insert(), update(), query(), and delete().
This article explains how to use the sqflite Flutter package to access and execute SQLite database queries. Data persistence is important at the client app level. Without it, end users must depend on internet connectivity to store and retrieve data. When the user has a good network connection, you may subsequently sync the data from the local database to your server. You can opt the best Flutter training in Kochi and build your career in Flutter development.