Modernization and technology booming grab all people to the world of cyber. At a same pace, data breaches and exploitation are also arising. That’s why, cyber security is an on demanded materialistic for future. Having expertise in handling critical aspects of security, STEPS Kochi, the best cyber security training in Kerala is focused on a methodology to build a carrier in cyber security with new trends and emerging security problems in new technologies.
We proudly welcome all of you who are in search for the best cyber security training in Kochi to our destination to lay down your foundation in this field. Now let’s discuss more on our topic, below enlisted are some top prioritized cyber security tools in 2021.

Kali Linux
Kali Linux is a debian based Linux distribution used for computer forensics and penetration testing. It supports more than 600 inbuilt tools for vulnerability checking and exploitation. Kali Linux is the most popular one among cyber security field which is preferred over others with in organization. The first version of Kali Linux was released on March 2013 and the latest version 2020.3 was released on November 2020. The current version required minimum of 20GB hard disk and 2GB RAM.
Nmap or network mapper is a free, open source and lightweight tool used for scanning a single system in a network or a complete network. Nmap help to identify the devices which are running on a system, discovering open ports, platform on which the system running and its versions. It enumerates the complete active host in a network to. Network administrators use this tool to evaluate the vulnerabilities and unsuceptible things in network and systems.
Wireshark is a network sniffer or a protocol analyzer used to inspect various network protocol structure. It provides information in three level. Top level enlist the frame, which further exploited in the middle level. In this panel, wireshark display packet details. At the end, the bottom level shows the raw packets.
Burb suite
Burb suite is one of the most popular web application vulnerability testing tool. It’s developed by Portswigger. Burb suite available as a community edition, enterprises edition as well as professional edition. Burb suite contain an intercepting proxy, spider, intruder used to take a range of value as output, repeater, decoder, extender, sequencer, scanner etc.
Nikto is an open source web server scanner used to test against a thousand of possible security threats. Nikto detect outdated version, check potentially dangerous file, frequently scan related plugins and autocratically update them.
Metasploit is an open source framework used popularly in between both attackers and defenders. H D Moore introduced Metasploit in 2003 during that time it was written using pearl language then in 2007 it had been completely rewritten to Ruby. Metasploit have been acquired by Rapid7 since 21st October 2009.
Rapid 7 introduce the vulnerability scanner Nexpose Which contain a verity of high quality vulnerability scanners and exploit detecting plug-in. It always provides the complete security management supply chain including discovery, detection, verification, classification of its risk, analysis, reporting and solutions.
Jhon the Ripper
Jhon the Ripper is a free software tool for cracking weak credentials. It was originally developed for Unix/Linux platform, but now it can easily support on various platform. Jhon the Ripper not only run on plain text but also can exploit encrypted or hashed password. Mainly they exploit through repeated attack using dictionary mode.