What is SQLite and how to save data using SQLite in Android?
Android SQLite is the most often used method for storing data in Android apps. SQLite is the backbone of many applications, whether utilized directly or through a third-party binder. SQLite is a library that offers a SQL-based database management system. You can grab all about SQLite in Android from the best Android app development training in Kochi.
SQLite’s key aspects include:
- For tables, it uses dynamic types. This indicates that a value may be stored in any column, independent of data type.
- It enables a single database connection to read several database files at the same time. It can create in-memory databases that are extremely quick to deal with.
- The android.database.sqlite package contains the APIs required to create and interact with SQLite databases.
Highlighting CRUD operations
CRUD is a term that stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete. These are the fundamental operations that a database can perform to store, manage, and use data.
In turn, each:
Create: Inserts a new record into the database. This is done in SQL, or Structured Query Language, using an INSERT INTO statement.
Read: The read operation queries or searches the database and returns zero to many entries that satisfy a certain condition. This is accomplished in SQL by utilizing a SELECT FROM statement.
Update: The update procedure modifies an existing record or collection of records that complete certain criteria. The UPDATE statement is used in SQL.
Delete: The delete operation is used to remove records that satisfy certain criteria. To delete a record in SQL, use the DELETE FROM command.
The SQLiteOpenHelper class is used to create databases and maintain versions. You must implement the SQLiteOpenHelper class’s onCreate() and onUpgrade() methods in order to perform any database activity.
Adding storage permissions to the AndroidManifest.xml file
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"
To perform internal storage using SQLite, the developer need to add the following permission. Want to learn more about Android? Check out the Android internship in Kochi.