BERT Algorithm update in SEO
Digital Marketing IT Training

What makes the BERT to stand out top from all the google updates? How does it affect your marketing strategy ?

Google BERT Algorithm update

On October 2019 Google announced that they had started applying BERT models for English language search queries. This update makes copywriters and SEO experts more complicated than ever before. BERT, stands for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers – was carried out to help Google for the better understanding of Natural language processing. BERT is said to be the biggest Google updates out of all which is affecting roughly 10% of all search queries. Are you thinking why we are talking about this in 2020 ? Is this update really matters? Do you really want to waste time for this update?. The answer is yes It really matters and it will affect 1 in 10 search queries.

Here are two observations on how BERT will affect your Digital marketing strategy

How BERT update affect your SEO and Search rankings

Did you see Flump in your organic traffic, particularly when it comes to featured snippets and voice search? Without any doubt you got hit by BERT!. The release of the BERT update shows that Google is serious about nurturing SEO voice and technology, as it is all about delivering better search results in context. The update could have a major impact on how your website ranks for some keywords. Since the BERT says “whenever you search for a keyword the PRE BERT results was not even fulfilled the user’s intention behind the search, while post BERT leads to better understanding of each word’s specific meaning and results in the top results which is closely related to the intention behind the search”. Currently, BERT only analyzes search queries, not websites which means web pages with weak focus probably not rank highly. As the result of this update google algorithm can now understand what people are asking upon any search queries and provides relevant, accurate and meaningful results. Sites which offers fuzzy, irrelevant and unfocused keywords will not rank higher even it uses high volume keywords and will not likely to appear on SERP. And last but not the least don’t try to trick algorithm they will do more harm than good.

How BERT update affect your Content marketing strategy

IF you are trying to get a better ROI (return on investment) from your content marketing, then BERT is a huge step forward. According to this algorithm content writers should write for people not for search engines which means content should be in more human using term, tone and language and closely coordinate with your audience. Content marketers and copywriters must ensure the content they deliver is of a high quality and is relevant to target their readers. Your web pages should be designed to answer specific questions or explain specific topics to your readers, so Google will recognize their value in responding to common search queries.
It hasn’t been so long since BERT was rolled out but most of the digital marketers and marketing strategist is busy creating the high volume keywords instead of accepting a customer centered approach which encourages more useful and relevant web pages which results in exact match for people’s browsing intention. This is a major algorithm update out of all the Google updates which refines the search engine’s ability to understand the language used in search queries in context.

Do you know why web designers should learn digital marketing?, then do check out our previous blog for reference:

Author: STEPS

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