Predict the Output and Evaluate your skills in Python - Part II
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Predict the Output and Evaluate your skills in Python – Part II


Hello Python programmer! In this article, we will try to guess the output of simple Python programs and see how well you can do at evaluating your skills in Python. If you are a beginner or intermediate-level programmer, there is no better way to calibrate your skills than by trying to predict the output of simple programs. If you want to be a python Django full stack web developer you can check this python Django developer training in Kochi.

1) Create a program in Python to partition a list of numbers into equal groups, such as 4s and 9s.

2) Simple linear regression: Turn given sets of x, y data points into slope m and y-intercept b for linear regression line through x values…

3) Create a program to convert RGB colors in names given as strings into hexadecimal RGB colors.

4) Create a program that converts given sequences of numerical values into corresponding sequences of discrete symbols.

5) Vowel counting: Determine the number of vowels for each syllable in a given set of words (e.g., “abracadabra” has 1 vowel per syllable, but “penguins” has 8).

6) Write a function count_digits to find the number of digits in the given number.

7) Write a function istrcmp to compare two strings, ignoring the case.

8) Write a program that takes 2 numbers as command-line arguments and prints its sum.

9) Write a function reverse to reverse a list. Can you do this without using list slicing?

10) Write a program to center align all lines in the given file.


We all know that learning is a cyclical process that involves watching lectures, reading books, doing assignments, and testing our knowledge. To become a professional programmer you need to test and evaluate your skills. Here we have discussed some programs to evaluate your skills. There is so much more, we will continue to update our blog with new programs and challenges. If you want to know more about Python development, you can check out this best python full stack training institute in Kochi.

You can also check Predict the Output and Evaluate your skills in Python – Part I

Author: STEPS