New Android Jetpack

New Android Jetpack

New Android Jetpack
New Android Jetpack

In this article we are going to share something about the Android Jetpack. So let me explain, Jetpack provides a set of Android libraries that integrate best practices into your Android apps and provide backward compatibility. If you are a beginner to the world of android development it is very important to get a practice with the android jetpack.

So before getting acquainted with Android Jetpack, first you need to learn how it helps to speed up the process of creating the app, let’s shed these from an android training that will send some light on what exactly it is? If you have to describe it in simple words, it is a collection of components, tools or better.

Here is an overview of the best practices and recommended architecture to consider when designing your Android app is given in the Jetpack guide to app architecture.

New Android Jetpack
New Android Jetpack

These are the software components help in:

  • Following the best practices and writing the boilerplate code.
  • Making complex things very simple.

Earlier there were many challenges which are as follows:

  • Managing activity life cycles.
  • Surviving configuration changes.
  • Preventing memory leaks.

All such challenges have been solved by the Android Jetpack’s components. Then we are moving on the components of Android Jetpack.

Android Jetpack Components

Components of Android Jetpack are a series of libraries that can be individually adopted and designed to function together while taking advantage of language features of Kotlin that make us more efficient.

There are 4 categories of Jetpack :

  • Foundation Components :-It provides backward compatibility, testing and Kotlin language support.
  • Architecture Components:-It helps to build robust ,testable and maintainable apps.
  • Behavior Components:-It help in the integration with standard Android services like notifications, permissions, sharing and assistant.
  • UI Components:-It provide widgets and helpers to make your app not only easy, but delightful to use.

Android Jetpack comes with five new components:

Including the four components that we are mentioned above there are five new components are reviled. Though this we can find that in a particular tread Jetpacks will update continuously, so we need to get an update with each new terms that helps you to attain a good carrier in android app development.

Then lets discuss what are the new treads updated currently in Android Jetpack, they are:

  • WorkManager alpha release
  • Navigation alpha release
  • Paging stable release
  • Slices alpha release
  • Android KTX (Kotlin Extensions) alpha release


The WorkManager component is a powerful new library that offers a one-stop solution that removes the need to use items like jobs or SyncAdapters for constraint based context jobs that need guaranteed execution. WorkManager offers a streamlined, modern API, the ability to work with or without Google Play Services on smartphones, the ability to build work graphs, and the ability to query the status of your job.


Although activities are the framework that provides entry points into the UI of your app, their inflexibility has made them a less than ideal architecture for creating your in-app navigation when it comes to exchanging information with each other and transitions. The navigation component is thus incorporated into Google IO 18 as a framework for structuring your in-app UI, with a focus on making the preferred architecture of a single-activity app. You get all the advantages of Architecture Components such as Lifecycle and ViewModel without of the box support for Fragments, while enabling Navigation to manage the complexities of FragmentTransactions for you.


Data presented in an app can be large and expensive to load, so it is vital that too much is not downloaded, generated, or presented at once. Version 1.0.0 of the Paging component makes loading and presenting large data sets simple with smooth, infinite scrolling in your RecyclerView. It can load paged data from local storage, the network, or both and allows you to determine how to load your content. It works with Space, LiveData, and RxJava out of the box.


And finally, the Slices part is to round up the collection of new features making their Android Jetpack debut. As a result of a search, a “slice” is a way to surface the UI of your application inside the Google Assistant.

Android KTX

And last but not least, one Android Jetpack purpose takes advantage of the language features of Kotlin that make you more efficient.

That’s all about Jetpack. There were many ways to do it, it wasn’t so easy to learn Android. You’re sure to have what it takes to be a successful Android developer with the best core. Android training in Kochi or so, will be your apt solution to get expertise in this field. Skill can only be enhanced and developed only if practice and practice more. To guide you there are various Android internship in Kochi. Approach the correct institute to start building your dream.

Author: STEPS

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