


Android Q is the latest upcoming software update for Google’s mobile OS. This OS resolves the longtime problems in Android platform and address the real user needs as well. There’s a new accessibility option called Live Caption in Android. Many other improvements have been also done to Android’s security and privacy models, many of which have been a long time coming. Finally, Google is also trying to overcome the Android’s perennial update problem with a new amazing solution. For this Q version, it’s hard to come up with an overarching theme for this grab bag of features and improvements in software.

In addition to Pixel phones, Android Q beta for the OnePlus 6T, Sony Xperia Z3, and LG G8 are also available.

The new features of Android version Q are:

1. The iconic back button is going away:

The back button which exists in android, a navigation staple of Android, is officially going away with the Android Q version.

2. There’s finally a system-wide dark mode:

Google’s confirmed that Android Q will have a system-wide dark theme. Quick Settings toggle enables the users to turned on and off at any time.

3. New theming options:

Users are able to customize their phones to the fullest extent.

4. MAC Address Randomization:

MAC Address, which is defined as a hardware identification number that uniquely identifies devices on every network. The MAC address could be randomized in specific instances since Android Marshmallow, but with Android Q it’s on by default all the time for all communication. Malicious websites won’t be able to build a profile on our web habits, which could be termed as Randomizing.

5. More Location Data Control:

User can allow access to a location all the time or only when the user app is in focus and running.

6. Live Caption transcribes media locally in real-time:

Android Q comes with “Live Caption” feature. Users can turn Live Caption on through Android Q’s accessibility settings.

7. Change in permissions:

Which permissions are being used by how many of your apps, is given by the “Permissions usage” page in Settings, the ability to filter by permissions to see which apps are using certain ones, and there is a new UI for the “App info” page.

8. Built-in screen recording:

One of our most requested feature built-in screen recording, is live in Android Q.

9. Network Connection Information is Now Restricted:

The network connection data was easily obtainable through the file system in the /proc/net pseudo-folder in previous versions of below Android Q. Which has been removed completely, so usage information, network connection information, and other data about the hardware in your phone is no longer available through the file system specified.

10. Better support for foldable phones:

Android Q optimized correctly for foldable of all shapes and sizes.

11. New Permissions for Device ID:

A developer has to ask for special permission to have access to phone’s serial number and IMEI. Which are permanently attached to the device.

12. No More Ranked Contacts:

Android Q will stop “ranking” your contacts further. Before, the people in users address book were ranked by the number of times you’ve interacted with those particular contacts.

13. Restricted Clipboard Access:

Android apps no longer will have access to the system’s clipboard unless they are running and on the screen while the phone display is on.

Android Q brings many more new features to users smartphone criteria, from a new gesture-based navigation to Dark Theme styke navigation. At the same time, from the streaming media to hearing aids using the Bluetooth LE facility.

Author: STEPS

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