Software Testing

Assertion Testing

At the basic level, an assertion is just a Boolean expression It has a binary of true and false. The expression, which relates to a specific area of the software being evaluated, is added to the testing program. An expression that explains the reasoning of the code being tested is included in the assertion itself. The assertion is still true as long as the test is error-free. However, the claim is invalidated by any system mistake. This is a blatant error indicator that can be used to aid in testing for several issues.

Benefits of Assertions

There are some clear benefits to using assertion in functional testing. Here are a few crucial ones to think about.

  • Assertion testing allows for the detection of even minute and subtle errors, many of which may go undetected when utilizing other testing and error-detection methods.
  • Testers can catch problems as soon as they happen, especially when using hard assumptions. Testers can quickly rectify an error before continuing with the rest of the test because the execution ends as soon as one is found.
  • Assertions can also assist testers in selecting specific code segments that are assured to produce precise, error-free findings.  

Limitations of Assertion

Although assertion testing is an excellent approach to catching mistakes, there are several restrictions and traps that must be avoided.

• While assertions are useful for identifying whether an error has occurred, they do not offer any information about the specifics of the issue.

• Making assertions might occasionally have unforeseen effects on the remaining steps of your testing process. Additionally, it may overlook some flaws while occasionally producing false positives.

• Not all test conditions lend themselves well to assertion testing. As opposed to actual test conditions, conceptual test conditions are more useful.

• High-quality statement design assertions a particular level of expertise and knowledge. 

How Assertions can block Testing

The consequence of an assertion failure for one reason or another may be very serious. An assertion may become difficult and cause testing to be suspended for the whole day. 

Although they may be conceptually straightforward, some of the conditions we want to test for are exceedingly challenging to verify.


The Python code following demonstrates an assertion test:

  • The check Limit function tests that the value passed are greater than or equal to 0.
  • The failed assertion in Line 6 causes an error, so the subsequent code is not executed.

Learning from scratch in a short period is also very important in the learning process. Manual Testing training institute in Kochi or any other place helps you to understand more in the right way. In-depth knowledge of syllabus and practical gives more confidence. There are various Software Testing Automation course centers available. Picking up the right one is significant. Find out about the Performance testing tool training institute in Kochi for a better start.

Author: STEPS