Computer Network and Security
What is a Computer Network ?
A Computer network is referred to a group of interconnected computing devices that can communicate each other and share resources.
Computer network security
Computer network security is referred as the safety measures taken against outside attacks by an organization or a network owner.
There are mainly five aspects in ensuring network security:
- Confidentiality
- Message integrity
- Availability
- Authentication
- Non repudiation
The communication messages sent should only be sent to intended receivers and should be invisible to other users, as there is a possibility of an attacker intercepting the traffic. To achieve this in a network, various levels of encryption schemes like AES, DES, Stream cipher are used.
Message integrity
The data transmitted should be complete and accurate. It means that the data should reach the client/receiver without being tampered by anyone.
The data/resources should be available to the intended users at anytime they are connected in the network.
Authentication is an important element in whole information security concept. The receiver should be sure about the sender identity (there should not be an imposter in network). Authentication is now important than any time before because of the increased online cash transaction rates.
The non-repudiation means that the receiver should be able to prove the message came from a specific sender- such as: the sender should not be able to deny sending a message and the receiver should not be able to deny receiving the message.
Essential Network Security components
To establish network security the following components should be implemented in the network.
- Firewall
- Network Access Control
- security information and event management (SIEM)
- Intrusion Detection System (IDS)
- Antivirus/Anti-malware software etc.
Network auditing
The process of auditing network security requires checking back on enforcement measures to determine how well they have aligned with the security policy. Auditing encourages continuous improvement by requiring organizations to reflect on the implementation of their policy on a consistent basis. This gives organizations the opportunity to adjust their policy and enforcement strategy in areas of evolving need. Network security is essential in protecting networks against data breaches given that virtually all data and applications are connected to a network. Having your network hacked can ruin your organization’s reputation and put you out of business. A good network security system helps businesses mitigate the risk of falling victim of data theft and sabotage.
Cyber Security is a huge domain, Which can be considered as an ocean of opportunities. To become an expert in cyber security, Cyber security training in Kochi or nearby can help you a lot. You can find the best place to start your ‘hacker life’ by getting into the Best Cyber Security Training in Kochi.