Data Science



A few common buzzwords you hear every day in the tech industry might be data science, deep learning, machine learning, artificial intelligence, etc. So let’s dive deep into them and explain what each one is and what is the difference between them.

Data Science is a branch of study, which uses data to come to conclusions or predict certain details from the given or collected data. A person who does datascience using statistical approaches can be called as a data analyst while the person who does machine learning with data science can be called a data scientist.

Artificial Intelligence is another branch of study where we use data to predict data or to create intelligent software. For creating such intelligent software, we use the deep learning approach.

The program created using deep learning or machine learning are both intelligent, but then what is the difference between them?  The difference is in the approach and the outputs we get from them. While a machine learning program uses algorithms to create intelligent programs, a deep learning program uses a neural network. This artificial neural network is similar to the brain of a human being, allowing it to be much smarter than the machine learning approach.

A machine learning model needs to be trained very frequently to get better and the output of the algorithm is based on the previous experiences provided in the dataset. If a new problem is given to the machine learning model then it has chances of giving an inaccurate result, this will result in the engineer stepping in to tweak the model for more accurate results.

In the case of deep learning, the model itself can determine whether the result is accurate or not. Thus, in the case of deep learning, human intervention is not required. It can think and come up with results on its own. Thus deep learning can be considered as a superior version of machine learning.

We can see that machine learning and deep learning is being implemented everywhere around the world. It is the reason why Netflix can recommend tv shows and movies that we may like or why Facebook can detect the faces of persons in a photo and suggest it to you for tagging them, etc. The Training provided by Spectrum Softtech Solutions will make you capable of implementing machine learning and deep learning in Python and R.

Author: STEPS

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