Familiar with the industrial tools used for Machine Learning
Python is a programming language that is used extensively in data analysis and machine learning. It offers a wealth of resources for beginners to get started with the basics, or for advanced users to create their own scripts. In this article, we’ll explore some industrial tools used for machine learning using Python.
There are few programming languages with as wide of a range in application as Python. It’s great for beginners because there are numerous resources out there to learn from, but it’s also well-suited to advanced use cases like machine learning and data analysis. In this blog post, you will find usage examples that illustrate what you can do with the various “industrial” tools available in python.
Let’s start with some well-known python packages for machine learning:
Pandas – this is an open source library that includes data structures, statistical functions, and visualization tools. It is a widely used package in various forms, ranging from scientific research to business intelligence. In Python, there are also numerous other data analysis libraries that can be used in combination with pandas or can replace it completely. Notable examples are NumPy, SciPy, and Matplotlib.
Scikit-learn – this is an extremely popular library in the world of machine learning, with a vast number of resources, models, and algorithms. It is often used alongside pandas, since they complement each other well.
TensorFlow – this library is the most widely used when it comes to neural networks and deep learning solutions on the python platform. It has grown in popularity over the past few years and is used by companies such as Google, Facebook, and Dropbox.
Keras – another deep-learning framework that is useful for creating neural networks. It was developed with a focus on enabling fast development of applications.
TfidfVectorizer – this python library classifies documents based on their content. It has a simple interface and is mostly used for training datasets that have been preprocessed.
NLPPy – This is an NLP library that makes it possible to develop models for various tasks, such as sentiment analysis, text classification, etc.
How to download and install the necessary libraries for working with Python?
To install the necessary libraries for working with Python, you need to use an installation package called Anaconda. With this, your dependencies will be well-set. Since it does not require any previous experience with Python, it could be very useful for beginners. To get started, please check out the best AI Training in Kochi. We recommend that you use a Linux distribution during installation to get the latest versions of packages.
The Anaconda installation package contains the main Python packages, their dependencies and all the necessary libraries to install them on your local machine.
Works with Python (2.7 and Python 3)
It also works with Python versions 2.6, 2.7, 3.3 and 3.4. The standard versions of Anaconda are available for 64-bit Linux and MacOS 10.10 or better, and 64-bit Windows systems with Visual Studio 2015 or above installed (cannot be installed on Windows XP). You also have a 64-bit version for 32-bit Windows systems – follow these installation instructions: http://continuum.io/downloads. For Ubuntu 18.04 or higher, you can install the main packages using the following commands:
conda install python pandas scikit-learn tensorflowkeras numpy pillow nltk
Python is a programming language that is used extensively in data analysis and machine learning. In this article, we discussed some industrial tools used for machine learning using python. Examples will illustrate what you can do with the various “industrial” tools available in Python. Keras – another deep-learning framework that is useful for creating neural networks. TfidfVectorizer – this python library classifies documents based on their content. NLPPy – This is an NLP library that makes it possible to develop models for various tasks. If you want to learn more about Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning, you can check out Machine Learning Artificial intelligence training in Kochi.