Digital Marketing



When you consider that around 80% of new leads won’t actually become Conversions or Sales, it makes sense to establish lead nurturing into your marketing strategy. Lead nurturing is about increasing a relationship with your leads throughout the sales process to help convert your leads into proper sales, and there are many benefits to using this process.

Establish Contact Immediately

Establishing contact quickly is a key to actually contacting with your leads. Early Researches found that 35-50% of sales go to the vendor that responds first to an inquiry. But then found that response rates decline as the age of a lead increases.

Build Thought Leadership

People do business with businesses only when they know and trust each other. The first time someone turns on your website, the likelihood that they actually know who you are or understand why they should do business with you is pretty narrow. Lead nurturing is an opportunity to show that you are an expert in your particular field.

Maintain or Increase Engagement

Automated lead nurturing is a great way to maintain engagement when a lead has already made the move to connect with you. And, if that lead has provoked visiting your site or reviewing your offerings, lead nurturing is a huge way to remind them about your business.

 Automate Nurturing Through the Sales Cycle

Another research found that nurtured leads have a 23% shorter sales cycle. Lead nurturing is a better way for the marketing team to help with the sales procedure and nurture more leads through the sales funnel.

Identify Interest or Pain

Lead nurturing emails are a better way to learn more about your leads – what challenges or obstacles are they facing? What services or products are they interested in? By introducing different questions or types of content and seeing who responds to what, you can qualify your leads and set yourself up for warmer sales conversations.

Encourage Referrals and New Lead Generation

Nevertheless, you are emailing lists of current leads, lead nurturing has the possibility to attract new website visitors and make new leads. If you’re doing a better job of sharing valuable content, your leads are likely to forward your email along to colleagues or friends, expanding your reach and attracting new people into your business.

Author: STEPS

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