
Start your career on Android app development

Android is a linux based OS mainly used for mobile devices such as tablet
computers and smartphones.Android was released under the Apache v2 open source license.

It is developed by Google and later the OHA (Open Handset Alliance) a consortium of hardware, software and telecommunications companies. OHA includes 84 firms to develop mobile devices, including Qualcomm, Broadcom, HTC, Intel, Samsung, Motorola etc..

Android was found in Palo Alto, California in October 2003 by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nick Sears and Chris White and later acquired by Google on August 17, 2005 and launched it for phones and tablets in 2007, the same year Steve Jobs made a revolutionary change in Smartphone industry by introducing iPhone to the world which ran on iOS.. The T-Mobile’s G1 phone (HTC Dream) is the first phone to be released to the public with Google Android on September 23, 2008.

Java language is mainly used to write the android code even though other languages (Kotlin,c++) can be used.

IDE used -Android Studio

We have different ways to approach Android Development but the most official and powerful one is Android Studio. This is the official IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for the Android platform , its developed by Google .

What are the requirements needs to become an android developer

To become an android developer you needs basic knowledge in core java or basic programming skills and the most important thing is a go-getter attitude.

How can you earn money with your own apps

  • You can publish your app in Google play store and make it a paid app and charge for downloads.
  • You can add Ads in your app and get paid for the number of clicks on your Ad.
  • You can also earn money by selling your source code to some source code trading sites and make money by selling your code, Resources and license

Author: STEPS

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