


Python was founded by Guido Van Rossum in the late 1980’s. Python has then gone to become the fastest growing programming language of the era.

Python is a dynamically-typed or simply ‘dynamic’ programming language, what this means is that while other programming languages execute certain tasks like memory allocation during compiling, python and other dynamic programming languages do such tasks while execution. Python’s syntax is similar to the english language, hence making it the easy and suitable for
beginner level programmers. Python also provides various high level functionalities like OOPS programming approaches, ability to import custom packages, high level data structures etc., hence it makes it suitable for advanced programmers also.

Applications of Python

Python was initially designed to be a scripting language. Currently, it is being used for many different applications such as:
• Automation – automating tasks which earlier would have needed human interference.
• Web application development – create web applications using django, flask etc.
• Web scraping and web crawling – data mining from the web
• Data science and data analysis – analysing data to get visual outputs or to make predictions based on experience
• Machine learning and artficial intelligence – making intelligent programs
• GUI based application development, etc.

The applications are endless and hence the growth for python language as a whole and consecutively, the increase in demand for Python Developers. Many different frameworks have been developed around these applications, hence making it even more easier to develop such applications. Some of the more popular frameworks are Numpy, Scipy, Django, Flask, Beautiful Soup, Pandas, tkinter etc.

What you need to do to secure a job as a python developer

  1. You must have a firm knowledge is Python language.
  2. You must have a firm knowledge in OOPS programming approaches.
  3. You must have the ability to include and use various different packages.

Author: STEPS

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